Having received multiple requests by the delegates who had attended our seminars & workshops studying & staying out of Anand, to design a clinical homeopathic course like Dr. Hahnemann & Dr. Kent’s Clinical Courses that are being successfully organized here, as they cannot stay for longtime to study here at SHAH.
As the timings & days of the courses are flexible - Course should be done over & above to your professional responsibilities, as per your chosen batch.
As all the lectures will be getting recorded, there is always a chance to see them again either for your better understanding or in case if you have missed.

1. Module Information
• Course is designed in four Basic, Complete, Advance & Scholar Modules which will run for 6, 12, 18 & 24
full days respectively.
• As the name suggests, these modules have been created depending upon the enthusiasm & dedication of
homeopathic students & a prospective homeopathic practitioners.
• As the timings & days of the courses are flexible – Module Courses can be done over & above to your
professional responsibilities, as per your chosen batch.
2. Overview Of The Curriculum
A Course is designed covering all the fundamental subjects of Homeopathy
which can be learnt clinically
1. Organon of Medicine :
• “Organon – Access to Success”, Learn the practical application of Aphorisms from
Dr. Hahnemann’s Organon of Medicine in clinical practice through successful cases.
2. Materia Medica :
• Study of Materia Medica from the successful Video Cases.
• Learning of the 30 Polychrest remedies of our Materia Medica
3. Repertory :
• “Symptomatology” – Repertorial Perspective, for making a successful repertorization.
• Understating different rubrics & its importance in clinical practice from the successful video &
live cases.
4. Clinical Case Studies:
• Practical application of the Homeopathic Subjects through successful clinical case studies,
learning Totality of Symptoms, Analysis + Evaluation, selection of rubrics and Repertorization,
How to change the remedy, How to find obstacles in the way of cure, Utility of Kent’s 12
Observations in Clinical Practice etc.
5. Live Case Studies & Detailed Case Workouts
• With the kind consent of the patients - 3 Live Case Transmissions shall be made.
• With the kind consent of the patients - Witness the 3 live case workout in the hospital.
6. Other Useful Clinical Topics:
• What is Homeopathy & Similia Similibus Curantur?
• Guidelines for the new Consultation
• How to take follow up?
• How to take PQRS Symptoms?
• How to take Thermals in the case?
• How to take Desires & Aversions in the case?
• How to take Sleep Symptoms in the Case?
• How to take Review & when to take a full Re-case?
• Theory of Chronic Diseases & Chronic Miasms
• Causes of Failure in Homeopathic Practice
• Common Mistakes in Homeopathic Prescribing
• Comment on Homeopathic Literature - “Which Book we should use & why” in learning Materia Medica, Organon of Medicine & Repertory
• How to study Dr. Hahnemann’s Organon of Medicine?
• How to study any Homeopathic Medicine from our Materia Medica?
• How to handle “Acutes” during the treatment of Chronic Diseases
• Second Prescription & Principles in Long Term Management of Case
• How to manage patients on Allopathic drugs while taking them on Homeopathic Treatment?
• Kent’s 12 Observation & Remedy Reactions
• Acute Case taking
• Pediatric case taking
• Obstacles in the Cure (Mental / Emotional / Physical Obstacles)
Upon successful completion of exams -
All the enthusiastic delegates of Basic, Complete, Advance & Scholar Modules shall be honored with
“TROPHY HAVING YOUR NAME”, Course Certification, Shawl & Badge
at the Annual Ceremony organized on 10th April every year by
Samuel Hahnemann Academy for Homeopathy – SHAH.
3. Information About The Batches For The Modules
1. Monthly Groups (Local & State Batches)
Basic, Complete, Advance & Scholar modules are of 6, 12, 18 & 24 days respectively, that are going to be organized as per the followings:
1. Group A - Those who CAN commute to Anand regularly:
• Course will run for two Sundays of a month, depending upon your module chosen.
• Every Sunday will be altogether a new session for the group.
2. Group B - Those who CANNOT commute to Anand regularly:
• Course will run on One Saturday & Sunday of a Month, depending upon your module chosen.
• Previous Sunday lecture of the Group A will be getting repeated on the coming Saturday for the Group B delegates & Sunday will be altogether a new session for Group A & Group B delegates.
• If you wish - Your stay during the tenure of the course may get organized by the management of SHAH at a cheaper cost. For Details, “Contact us”
2. Vacation Group
Basic, Complete, Advance & Scholar modules are of 6, 12, 18 & 24 days respectively; that are going to be organized consecutively either in 3, 5, 7 or 9 full Days per visit depending upon the module chosen; both in Summer & Diwali Vacations once a year, that will enable you to complete the whole course in two visits only.
• If you wish - Your stay during the tenure of the course may get organized by the management of SHAH at a cheaper cost. For Details, “Contact us”
3. General Information
Personal Evaluation
Course Duration
6 Days
12 Days
18 Days
24 Days
Course Fees
Seats Available
Submission of Cases
3 Cases
5 Cases
4. Examination & Honor
- Module written exam will be of half an hour, with only one practical question, as patients in practice does not give any options for the answer. No advance preparations shall be required.
- Upon successful completion of exams - All the enthusiastic delegates of Basic, Complete, Advance & Scholar Modules shall be honored with “TROPHY HAVING YOUR NAME”, Course Certification, Shawl & Badge at the Annual Ceremony, that shall be organized on 10th April 2020.
Jai Hahnemann. Jai Homeopathy.
1. Aphorisms from Dr. Hahnemann's Organon of Medicine
Organon – Access to Success”, Learn the practical application of Aphorisms from Dr. Hahnemann’s Organon of Medicine in clinical practice through successful cases
Topics |
Dr. Hahnemann’s Organon of Medicine Aphorisms |
81st to 99th - Case Taking Aphorisms |
81st to 99th - Case Taking Aphorisms |
81st to 99th - Case Taking Aphorisms |
81st to 99th - Case Taking Aphorisms |
2. Polychrest Remedies from Our Materia Medica
Learning of the 30 Polychrest remedies of our Materia Medica.
Topics |
Polychrest Remedies of Materia Medica |
3. Repertory
"Symptomatology" – Repertorial Perspective, for making a successful repertorization.
Understating different rubrics & its importance in clinical practice from the successful video & live cases.
Topics |
“Symptomatology” – A Repertorial Perspective, for making a successful Repertorization. |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Lecture on How to use |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
4. Clinical Case Studies
Practical application of the Homeopathic Subjects through successful clinical case studies, learning Totality of Symptoms, Analysis + Evaluation, selection of rubrics and Repertorization, How to change the remedy, How to find obstacles in the way of cure, Utility of Kent’s 12 Observations in Clinical Practice etc.
Topics |
Learning of the remedies from the successful Video Cases with Totality of Symptoms, Analysis + Evaluation and Repertorization of all cases. |
Causticum Case |
Causticum Case |
Causticum Case |
Causticum Case |
5. Live Case Studies & Detailed Case Workouts
With the kind consent of the patients - 3 Live Case Transmissions shall be made.
With the kind consent of the patients - Witness the 3 live case workout in the hospital.
6. Other Useful Clinical Topics
Topics |
What is Homeopathy & Similia Similibus Curantur? |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Guidelines for the new Consultation |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
How to take follow up? |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
How to take PQRS Symptoms? |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
How to take Thermals in the case? |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
How to take Desires & Aversions in the case? |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
How to take Sleep Symptoms in the Case? |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
How to take Review & when to take a full Re-case? |
No |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Theory of Chronic Diseases & Chronic Miasms |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
Causes of Failure in Homeopathic Practice |
No |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Common Mistakes in Homeopathic Prescribing |
No |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Comment on Homeopathic Literature - “Which Book we should use & why” in learning Materia Medica, Organon of Medicine & Repertory |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
How to study Dr. Hahnemann’s Organon of Medicine? |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
How to study any Homeopathic Medicine from our Materia Medica? |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
How to handle “Acutes” during the treatment of Chronic Diseases |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
Second Prescription & Principles in Long Term Management of Case |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
How to manage patients on Allopathic drugs while taking them on Homeopathic Treatment? |
No |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Kent’s 12 Observation & Remedy Reactions |
No |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Acute Case taking |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Pediatric case taking |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Obstacles in the Cure (Mental / Emotional / Physical Obstacles) |
No |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Information About The Batches For The Modules
1. Monthly Groups (Local & State Batches)
Basic, Complete & Advance modules are of 6, 12, 18 days respectively, that are going to be organized as per the followings:
1. Group A - Those who CAN commute to Anand regularly:
• Course will run for two Sundays of a month, depending upon your module chosen.
• Every Sunday will be altogether a new session for the group.
• Every Alternate Sunday will have a joint new session for both the groups.
2. Group B - Those who CANNOT commute to Anand regularly:
• Course will run on One Saturday & Sunday of a Month, depending upon your module chosen.
• Previous Sunday lecture of the Group A will be getting repeated on the coming Saturday for the Group B delegates. Next Sunday will be a fresh session to them.
• Every Alternate Sunday will have a joint new session for both the groups.
2. Vacation Group
Basic, Complete & Advance modules are of 6, 12, 18 days respectively; that are going to be organized consecutively either in 3, 5 or 7 full Days per visit depending upon the module chosen; both in Summer & Diwali Vacations once a year, that will enable you to complete the whole course in two visits only.
3. Common Guidelines For Monthly & Vacation Groups
A. For Curriculum: Visit Curriculum & Day-wise Curriculum
B. Dates of your chosen module will be flexible & informed to you well in advance.
C. In case if you have missed a lesson, you will have to inform us well in advance, so that rescheduling
of the lessons will be comfortable to the other delegates who wish to attend & equally manageable
for us too!
D. If you wish - Your stay during the tenure of the course, may get organized by the management
of SHAH at a cheaper cost. For Details, Contact Us
1. |
Aphorisms: 81st to 86th |
Causticum |
Causticum Case |
2. |
Aphorisms: 87th to 93rd |
Nat. Mur. |
Nat Mur Case |
3. |
Aphorisms: 94th to 99th |
Staphysagria |
Staphysagria Case |
4. |
Arg. Nit., Nux Vomica |
How to find PQRS symptoms in the Case? |
5. |
Tuberculinum, Ignatia, Pulsatilla |
How to take Follow Up? |
6. |
Your taken case evaluation, |
How to find thermals in the case? |
7. |
Aphorisms: 185th to 191st |
Acid Phos, |
How to take follow up |
8. |
Aphorisms: 192nd to 203rd |
Gelsemium, |
Causes of Failure in Homeopathic Practice |
9. |
Aphorisms: 210th to 215th |
Silicea |
How to take acutes |
10. |
Aphorisms: 216th to 221st |
Bryonia Alba |
How to take acutes |
11. |
Aphorisms: 222nd to 224th |
Carcinosin, |
12. |
Aphorisms: 225th to 230th |
13. |
Aphorisms: 231st to 235th |
Aurum Met., |
Aurum Met. Case |
14. |
Aphorisms: 236th to 240th |
Rhus Tox., |
Kent's 12 observations |
15. |
Aphorisms: 241st to 244th |
Arsenic Alb., |
Difficult Case: Case of Chemical Imbalance |
16. |
Aphorisms: 245th to 249th |
Kali. Carb., |
Pediatric Case Taking |
17. |
Aphorisms: 250th to 255th |
Nitric Acid, |
18. |
Cal. Carb., |
Case of Ulcerative Colitis |
1. What these modules are all about & what are the differences between these three modules?
These Basic, Complete & Advance Clinical Modules are 6, 12 and 18 days full clinical program respectively, based on the highest educational standard strictly following the footprints of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann & Dr. J. T. Kent, taught by Dr. Krutik Shah & his team directly.
Course Duration
Days & Timings
Basic Module
6 Days in 3 Months
Flexible, 6 to 7 Hours / Day
State & Vacation Batches
Complete Module
12 Days in 6 Months
Flexible, 6 to 7 Hours / Day
State & Vacation Batches
Advance Module
18 Days in 9 Months
Flexible, 6 to 7 Hours / Day
State & Vacation Batches
Having received multiple requests by the delegates who had attended our seminars & workshops studying & staying out of Anand, to design a clinical homeopathic course like Dr. Hahnemann & Dr. Kent’s Clinical Courses that are being successfully organized here, as they cannot stay for longtime to study here at SHAH.
2. How to join?
Information About The Batches For The Modules
1. Monthly Groups (Local & State Batches)
Basic, Complete & Advance modules are of 6, 12, 18 days respectively, that are going to be organized as per the followings:
1. Group A - Those who CAN commute to Anand regularly:
• Course will run for two Sundays of a month, depending upon your module chosen.
• Every Sunday will be altogether a new session for the group.
• Every Alternate Sunday will have a joint new session for both the groups.
2. Group B - Those who CANNOT commute to Anand regularly:
• Course will run on One Saturday & Sunday of a Month, depending upon your module chosen.
• Previous Sunday lecture of the Group A will be getting repeated on the coming Saturday for the Group B delegates. Next Sunday will be a fresh session to them. • Every Alternate Sunday will have a joint new session for both the groups.
2. Vacation Group
Basic, Complete & Advance modules are of 6, 12, 18 days respectively; that are going to be organized consecutively either in 3, 5 or 7 full Days per visit depending upon the module chosen; both in Summer & Diwali Vacations once a year, that will enable you to complete the whole course in two visits only.
3. Common Guidelines For Monthly & Vacation Groups
A. For Curriculum: Visit Curriculum & Day-wise Curriculum
B. Dates of your chosen module will be flexible & informed to you well in advance.
C. In case if you have missed a lesson, you will have to inform us well in advance, so that rescheduling
of the lessons will be comfortable to the other delegates who wish to attend & equally manageable
for us too!
D. If you wish - Your stay during the tenure of the course, may get organized by the management
of SHAH at a cheaper cost. For Details, Contact Us
3. When to join?
Information About The Batches For The Modules
1. Monthly Groups (Local & State Batches)
Basic, Complete & Advance modules are of 6, 12, 18 days respectively, that are going to be organized as per the followings:
1. Group A - Those who CAN commute to Anand regularly:
• Course will run for two Sundays of a month, depending upon your module chosen.
• Every Sunday will be altogether a new session for the group.
• Every Alternate Sunday will have a joint new session for both the groups.
2. Group B - Those who CANNOT commute to Anand regularly:
• Course will run on One Saturday & Sunday of a Month, depending upon your module chosen.
• Previous Sunday lecture of the Group A will be getting repeated on the coming Saturday for the Group B delegates. Next Sunday will be a fresh session to them. • Every Alternate Sunday will have a joint new session for both the groups.
2. Vacation Group
Basic, Complete & Advance modules are of 6, 12, 18 days respectively; that are going to be organized consecutively either in 3, 5 or 7 full Days per visit depending upon the module chosen; both in Summer & Diwali Vacations once a year, that will enable you to complete the whole course in two visits only.
3. Common Guidelines For Monthly & Vacation Groups
A. For Curriculum: Visit Curriculum & Day-wise Curriculum
B. Dates of your chosen module will be flexible & informed to you well in advance.
C. In case if you have missed a lesson, you will have to inform us well in advance, so that rescheduling
of the lessons will be comfortable to the other delegates who wish to attend & equally manageable
for us too!
D. If you wish - Your stay during the tenure of the course, may get organized by the management
of SHAH at a cheaper cost. For Details, Contact Us
4. What are the curriculums for these clinical modules?
5. Who can join?
As the name suggests, the modules have been created depending upon the enthusiasm & dedication of homeopathic students & a prospective homeopathic practitioners.
Students, Interns, Post Graduates, beginners in Homeopathy, qualified Homeopaths practicing Allopathy (GP) desiring to learn Homeopathy & homeopathic practitioners can join the course.
6. Why to join?
To feel & say, “Yes! I am proud to be a Homeopath”
Please read: overview of the curriculum
• SHAH is the only center in the whole state of Gujarat dedicated to education & promotion of Homeopathy with such an outstanding infrastructure
While joining the course, it is understood that an enthusiastic Homeopathic student is, having a lot of confusion in understanding different topics and subjects of Homeopathy but having the strongest desire to practice homeopathy!
For them, the course will bring confusion to clarity, timidity to confidence, from unknown to known, from naïve to experience and from negativity to positivity towards Homeopathy for their sacred mission of healing the sick!
7. What will be the fees & duration for the course?
Month's Course
Basic Module
6 Days in 3 Months
Rs 1200/-
Complete Module
12 Days in 6 Months
Rs 2500/-
Advance Module
18 Days in 9 Months
Rs 3500/-
8. What else shall we have to study to the best from the course(s)?
Nothing. No need to read the literature you already know.
Practical learning is the real reading!
Enthusiastic & interested students will be given a list of literature they can study on their own but it will be optional & for self learning. We are more than available to discuss the topics of your confusion if you wish.
9. What facilities we have for the course?
Kindly see: Academy
10. We have missed some Sessions then, when can we see it again?
As all the lectures will be getting recorded, there is always a chance to see them again either for your better understanding or in case if you have missed.
11. We wish to learn more here from SHAH. What extra facilities we shall be given other than learning from the courses?
• Fees paid once will be for the lifetime. You may attend these courses again in future if you wish.
• For all the seminars organized by SHAH in future, Delegates attended Basic, Complete & Advance Clinical Modules can attend the seminar on complementary basis.
• For all the Clinical Workshops organized by SHAH in future; 50% discount will be given to Basic, Complete & Advance clinical modules students.
12. If we have any query, than what to do?
The course will be primarily taught by Dr. Krutik Shah along with his team 8 Homeopaths working at Shree Sai Homeopathic Hospital. For interactive learning & Queries – Team of the hospital will be available throughout the course & there will be live sessions with Dr. Krutik Shah regularly during the course as well.
13. How to reach at the center & where to stay?
Kindly see the section How to Reach us
If you wish, your stay during the tenure of the course may get organized by the management of SHAH at a cheaper cost. For details, contact us
14. What will be language in the course?
It will be mostly in Gujarati language for the best of your understanding or in Simple English language, for enthusiastic students coming to Anand from out of Gujarat.
15. Can we take a video or audio of the lecture we are attending?
No. Any type of Audio or Video recording is strictly prohibited & it is a punishable offense.
16. Is this a Government Recognized Course?
No. These are the vocational clinical courses which will sharpen your knowledge as a Hahnemannian Homeopath & will surely contribute to a very great extent, for your mission of healing the sick!
For India, B.H.M.S & M.D. (Hom.) are the only courses that are recognized by Ministry of AYUSH, India. No other courses are approved by the Government.
17. Shall we receive the Certificate from the Academy?
18. I have some more Queries:
Please send email to shah@drkrutikshah.com or fill the form & send it to us
Jai Hahnemann. Jai Homeopathy.