"Homeopathy is rich in the literature but becomes poor when it comes to application!
Homeopathy is too frequently blamed because of the mistake of Homeopath where failure of a person is considered as a failure of the science."
Yes! I am proud to be a Homeopath, is the seminar organized for the group of zealous homeopaths who wish to know how to learn & practice Homeopathy addressing the following issues:
1. Since the Inception of Homeopathy – Organon of Medicine, Materia Medica, Repertory & even Remedies have evolved with the passage of time, like all other medical sciences but our Pioneers like Dr. Hahnemann, Dr. Kent & all others, were able to get excellent results with qualitative consistence even without the advantage of technology & became highly successful at that time, but why we have not been able to do so with equal qualitative consistence now, even with the advantage of technology? We know for sure, that we are not!
Then what is the reason for such a fall
especially when we know that homeopathy is based on eternal laws of nature?
The answer is “Wrong Application of our Principles!”
2. Since the Inception of our science – We have a major problem of “not having standardized homeopathic literature universally as we don’t have authorities or governing councils worldwide which can design a set of literature for the homeopathic colleges or schools, to be considered as an original & authentic for the academics in Homeopathy globally.
We have many Materia Medicas, Many Repertories for different types of cases & even many books published with a title “Text Book of Organon of Medicine” than
which author is authentic & to what extent?
The main purpose of this seminar is,
1. About The Books :
1. For having the shining & historic homeopathic success in the career – Which authentic & reliable homeopathic books you should follow in the subjects of Materia Medica, Repertory & Organon of Medicine?
2. How to learn Organon of Medicine?
3. How to Learn Materia Medica?
4. How to study Repertory?
You will be given the list of a few books with its special homeopathic importance, on every subject of homeopathy which I have used in my career & have been fortunate enough to create Gujarat’s 1st Private Digitalized Shree Sai Homeopathic Hospital which is the latest, largest & most modern technological development in the history of homeopathy here in Anand.
2. Successful Video Case Studies & Having The Same Patient Live In The Seminar :
Acute Case: Acute Appendicitis treated homeopathically, with its detailed follow up on evidence based protocols, followed by the learning of the given remedy.
Chronic Case: A psychiatric case of Chemical Imbalance treated homeopathically, with its detailed follow up, followed by the learning of the given remedies. These patients will be available in front of you all, to express how Homeopathy had been able to help them & changed their lives eventually.
Homeopathically, these cases will be shown in order to make you understand :
1. How to take the Case
2. The Practical meaning of Similia Similibus Curantur
3. How to find PQRS Symptoms in the case
4. Analysis & evaluation of the symptoms
5. How to find Rubrics & make the Repertorization in the case
6. How to reach to the Simillimum differentiating the other similar remedies
7. Practical learning of the Hering’s Direction of Cure and understanding of Dr. Kent’s Observations
8. Exteriorizations & its Importance in Homeopathy
9. How to change the remedy & achieving the success following the practical application of Dr. Hahnemann’s Organon of medicine etc by
showing the Acute & Chronic Case mentioned above.
3. Your Confusions and Questions & Our Homeopathic Answers :
• This session will last for two hours.
• You are compulsorily requested to come with your questionnaire of your confusions as this is one of the vital part of the whole full
day seminar.
Jai Hahnemann. Jai Homeopathy.