Gujarat State’s First Private Digitized “Shree Sai Homeopathic Hospital” is the Latest, Largest & technologically Most Modern Development in the history of Homeopathy of the State & amongst the very few establishments in India, Inaugurated in Anand on 10. 10.’10 at 10.10.10 AM by Internationally known, Senior most Respected Legend Homeopath Hon. Dr. Ramanlal P. Patel, India known for his Revolutionary Contribution especially Homeopathic Treatment for Cancer with L. M. Potencies etc, considered as one of the pioneer of contemporary homeopaths in the world & undoubtedly the best homeopath from India.

Shree Sai Homeopathic Hospital
Gujarat State’s First Private Computerized
- Serving beyond self for the suffering in humanity is the service to almighty.
- Holistic health care and Humane approach for patients total well – being.
- Religious environment & Right Treatment is the virtue of the hospital.
- Experts of different subjects from the Science of Homeopathy gathered under a common roof in order to provide best possible treatment.
- Experiencing the historic and glorious success by creating the 1st Homeopathic Hospital of the State, following the footprints of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann – Father of Homeopathy.
- Spreading the message of homeopathy to the people in every country, every state, every city and every village across the globe is our mission.
- Advanced International Homeopathic Care (E – Consultation) facilities and mastering the treatment at long distance by a dedicated team of efficient homeopaths. Facilities for unlimited E – Consultations beyond time and distance & getting the medicines delivered at their doorstep from anywhere in the world.
- Integrated with all the technological advances like Automatic Patient Data Management Software – SAI, Daybook for the Patients, Latest Homeopathic Softwares, Video Recording of each & every case, Strip packing of the medicines etc. – in order to prevent failure in a case and methodologies to be adopted in failing cases as Quality has to be an instant & constant in achieving & maintaining success is our goal unconditionally.
- Healers to all the diseases affecting Mind & Body through Homeopathy especially those which are refused by the other line of medical treatment as we strongly believe that Homeopathy is the hope for hopeless & help for helpless.
- Observance & obeying the principles of the science systematically; Always be on high moral grounds.
- Mentor & Father of Homeopathy Dr. Hahnemann’s superhuman wisdom is constantly guiding us to provide the care beyond compare for achieving & maintain the success in cases we treat.
- Expansive attitude & eager desire for more and more knowledge. Addiction for learning including advanced clinical researches through evidence based case studies and documentation being ever growing science.
- Only disciple of an Alternative Nobel Laureate Homeopath Prof. Vithoulkas from Greece & the only Double Post Graduate Homeopath in the State of Gujarat Dr. Krutik Shah always prefers to achieve objective evaluation of patient’s health from the wholistic perspective.
- Paperless & eco-friendly environment followed up with pure medicinal substances in a simple form to preserve your health, peacefully & permanently at much affordable price.
- Advanced Consultation Methods to give the best homeopathic care which are appreciated & trusted by the thousands of treated patients in India & worldwide.
- Team work with Total Dedication. Work effectively with all members of the team to learn, share and support each other to bring best possible outcome for the patients.
- Homeopathic Hospital where patients are admitted & treated without injections and Intravenous Drips on acute & emergency basis.
- Ideal therapy for healing the long standing complicated diseases by simple, small and sweet homeopathic medicines in a shortest possible duration given by a team of zealous Homeopaths with a passion to heal the sick!
- Center for homeopathic treatment for the cases like Cancer, AIDS, De–Addiction & Challenging Mental & Physical cases, especially refused by the experts other medical sciences, to be recognized as leaders in modern homeopathy and deliver life changing measures using homeopathy. We aimed to bring homeopathy close to mainstream medicine by research, scientific application and practice.
- Homeopathic Home Care for the bedridden patients & cases in the terminal phase of their fatal illness, as a part of our service to the suffering in humanity.
- Only center in the state of Gujarat where homeopathic education of the highest standard is being given through the courses conducted at Samuel Hahnemann Academy for Homeopathy - SHAH which is an academic & research division of the hospital.
- Serving humanity is the service to Sai. Sole aim is to spread the message of homeopathy in a right way for the next generation through best possible honest efforts, both with education & clinical practice in order to make it available to the poorest poor of the country.
- Proud to be the Homeopaths with a passion to give the best possible treatment, united for a common mission “Homeopathy – Hope for Hopeless & Help for Helpless!”
- Impart systematic and intensive clinical training & research under the expertise of the team at the hospital, thereby bridging the gap between Homeopathic education and clinical practice. Team conducts exhaustive studies and research in the field of Homeopathy in order to establish its efficacy in medical science, and to tackle serious pathological conditions.
- Testimonials of Teamwork & Total Satisfaction. Having such a large number of diseases treated successfully with Homeopathy is the reason to smile both as humans & as homeopaths.
- Aimed to dedicate our lives for homeopathy where Integrity, honesty, commitment, Practice of highest ethics & conduct should become the synonyms for the homeopaths working at the hospital.
- Last but not the least – We as a team, humbly dedicates our success at the lotus feet of Shree Saibaba & Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (Father of Homeopathy) as whatever we are today is because of them! Without their blessings – Development of the Latest, Largest & most modern technological development in the history of homeopathy “Shree Sai Homeopathic Hospital” would not have been possible.